37th on Coinvote
Raider Token is the 37th most voted project on CoinVote. As of Sunday Oct 23, 2022, Raider Token has 368,910 total votes. To reach position nr. 36, we will need to get at least 377,168 total votes.
695 posts on Instagram
Today is the 295th day of 2022. There are a total of 695 Raider Token posts on Instagram. That’s an approximate total of 2.3559 posts per day. In order to reach our goal of 3 Raider Token posts per day (1095 posts in total), another 400 posts still need to be made by Dec. 31, 2022.
Raider Token Price
The current price of Raider Token is $0.000316616 per token.
Raider Token Holders
There are currently 1,101 wallet addresses that contain Raider Tokens.
Raider Token Summary for October 23, 2022.
I only see a few people on social media doing anything to support the Raider Token project. It’s the same tiny group of people doing the work. What are the rest of the holders doing? My guess is that they are waiting to sell.
I do not see this lack of effort to be a problem. The price is too high right now. I’d like to see the price drop by 50%. I think the small group of dedicated holder will absorb the sold tokens. The more tokens that we can get out of circulation the better.