Community-Owned: Forever
Raider Token is a community-owned project. Each and every holder, called a Raider, owns this project. Each and every holder gets the job of helping promote the project. Naturally, you don’t have to help. If you don’t help, look in the mirror and ask yourself why the price is going down. Since we have no developer team, there is nobody to complain too. If you want to see something get done, get it done.
What Can You Do To Help?
Things you can do to help us promote the Raider Token project are:
Download the Raider Token graphics and share them on social media. All graphics are in the public domain. Feel free to modify them.
For those who are able, do the research for us and write articles to post on the website.
If you would like to write reports about crypto safety and why it is important to buy renounced projects, those types of articles are needed.
Visit the project website and make comments on articles and posts. Use links, keywords and hashtags.
Tell your friends about our cryptoadventures and the benefits of Raider Token.
Tell your family about Raider Token.
Tell your Co-workers about Raider Token.
Basically, just tell everyone you meet about Raider Token.
Post about Raider Token on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Follow us on Twitter and tell us what you think about our Raider Token.
Follow us on Facebook and tell us what you think about our token
Blog, write, speak, blog, write, speak. You get the idea.
Update your social media posts with hashtags. No hashtag should be left behind.
Give us ideas about how to market our Raider Token.
Let us know how you plan to participate. What skills do you have?
Share your comments and questions on Facebook and Twitter
Subscribe to our newsletter (once we get one) to get updates about our progress.
These are some of the areas I can think of. Do you have ideas? How can we promote Raider Token? What are we missing?